How FAST can you go?

To answer that question we are attending the 4th Annual REFUEL motor sport event this weekend hosted at the world famous Laguna Seca Raceway.

Drawing EV enthusiasts from wide and far the event will feature production Electric Vehicles from Tesla, BMW, Nissan, Zero Motor Cycles, conversions and more along with prototype high performance vehicles. Could be a few surprises including one or two Tesla Model S take to the track.

Enjoy this video from last year’s event and stay tuned for an update!

EV Career Network Reaches 200 Members

Today marks the 200th member joining PROJECT Green On Ramp’s Electric Vehicle Career Network group on LinkedIn.

Reaching this milestone in such a short while emphasizes the growing interest in Electric Vehicles as a career path.  Our members include professionals from all areas work across the entire EV Ecosystem – automotive, motor cycle, personal EVs manufactures, utilities, charging infrastructure, engineering, sales, marketing, policy, government and every essential business function.  Not only are the specialities diverse, so are our locations around the world.

You won’t find a more passionate group of professionals dedicated to the success of Electric Vehicles. As membership grows – so do networking opportunities for employers, job seekers and investors.

Join the discussion – Electric Vehicle Career Network on LinkedIn.

Submetering – Why delay progress?

In a joint letter opposing the extension filed today along with the Green Power Institute and Plug In America, SUM – PROJECT Green OnRamp requested that the 12 month extension to complete the submetering protocol be limited to only 6 months.

Our letter follows an unlikely group of interests that came together requesting the extension – Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison, San Diego Gas & Electric, EVSP Coalition and Natural Resource Defense Council.

While we fully understand the technical challenges of the protocol our position is that technology is getting held back by lack of policy decisions.  Solid rules and policies with room to evolve will expedite innovation.

References to the NRG Settlement came at a time when this lively topic and disclosure of the proposed settlement details were under scrutiny.


How Fast Can You Charge?

One of the most common questions every Electric Vehicle owner get is “How long does it take to Charge?”

Join us in celebrating the answer to that question at the ribbon cutting event for the first Northern California DC Fast Charger @ Stanford Shopping Center.

When: Tuesday May 15, 4:30 PM – 6:00PM
Where: Stanford Shopping Center, Palo Alto, CA – 1st Level Parking Garage Next to Quarry Road

Bay Area Electric Vehicle Supporters:

Please join the Mayor of Palo Alto, Stanford Shopping Center / Simon Malls, the Electric Auto Association and 350 Green (Acquired by Blink Network) for a “Special Ribbon Cutting” to welcome Northern California’s first public DC fast charger!

Attendees who attend this historic Bay Area Electric Vehicle moment will receive a first hand demonstration of how to DC Fast Charge your car and light refreshments provided by Stanford Shopping Center.

Drive your Electric Car for priority VIP Parking. Bring your CharJit (LoopEV) passes if you have them to show your support for Bay Area charging infrastructure providers.

Following the event – shop, dine and enjoy another location that just got more accessible to Bay Area EV drivers. Not to mention celebrate the fact that now you have a new faster way to traverse the Bay Area!

Answer: Using the CHAdeMO port installed on many Nissan LEAF and Mitsubishi iMEV cars you can charge at 160 Miles Per Hour.

New Article from the Palo Alto Daily / Mercury News – Electric vehicles can get a quick jump at Stanford Shopping Center.