Fellow EV Supporters – Just in case you have not yet heard… Join us on Electric Avenue May 12th in San Jose for Hybrids to Hotrods!
Once in a while the stars, planets, moons or whatever else you like to track align and everything comes together. As an early adopters working tirelessly supporting Electric Vehicles one can only dream about the chance to educate thousands of people about driving Electric.
Now add in a huge supporting cast of fellow Electric Vehicle Owners (EV Education), Electric Vehicle charging providers (EV Charging Confidence) and on the spot Electric Vehicle test drives (EV Driving Experience) sponsored by Silicon Valley Area Auto Dealers and you have the most comprehensive grass roots based formula to boost Electric Vehicle main stream adoption ever held in the Silicon Valley.
Oh wait – there’s more! You get to do this right along side hundreds of Internal Combustion Engine (ICE), gas burning cars!
Be sure to invite your friends and family to join in the fun and stop by “Electric Avenue”. You will be joining Electric Auto Association Bay Area Chapters, Plug-In America and San Francisco Bay Area EV Supporters for the Second Annual San Jose Mercury News Hybrids to Hotrods car show
This is a family event with non-stop entertainment your entire family will enjoy. Take a moment to watch to this trailer put together by the Mercury News and Mike Hennessy. Join the fun.